Saturday 25 February 2023

Getting The Itch?

I don't know about the rest of you but I'm starting to get the shakes from being away from the golf course all winter.

Hopefully everyone has been safe and healthy since we last saw each other. Perhaps some of you were able to sneak away to a warmer climate and do a little golfing while the rest of us were left just dreaming of draining a long birdie putt.

Up until a few days ago I had hopes of an early Spring thaw and was planning to search for all of my golfing paraphanalia in anticipation of the upcoming season. Sadly the return of the snowy weather only brought a longer skiing season for some of you.

With any luck we'll see green grass sooner rather than later. As always, once I hear any news regarding the course opening or a planned start date for league play, I'll let you know here. Nothing is ever written in stone as Mother Nature doesn't always see eye to eye with us.

In the meantime, don't injure yourselves shovelling snow or slip on any icy spots. And of course... think warm thoughts.